
Propidium Iodide Powder

Propidium Iodide Powder

2 x 5.0 mg/vial Catalog No.  1029$45.00

BioSure® PI Powder allows you to customize your own concentration of PI staining. The powder can be reconstituted in your choice of buffers.

Maximum stability: BioSure® PI Powder - before reconstitution - is dated for 15 months stability on each bottle.

Packaging: BioSure® PI Powder consists of two bottles of PI powder at 5 mg per bottle

Easy to prepare: Simply mix the powder with your choice of buffers at your desired concentration

INTENDED USE Propidium Iodide (PI) powder is an intercalating dye/stain that fluoresces red at 488 nm. The product is used in flow cytometry to analyze cellular DNA content.
The PI powder is supplied at five milligrams per bottle

CAUTION: The dye is considered a mutagen and should be handled using proper laboratory safety procedures - gloves and eye protection. See reverse side of insert for the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) - safe handling and disposal.


Propidium Iodide Powder 5.0 mg. per vial. Two vials per package